منزل .حار بيع


العارية رمح الطرد المركزي PSD مضخة اقتران محرك الديزل

الوصف الفني
أكثر صداقة للبيئة
تلبية معيار الانبعاث الصيني III
استهلاك منخفض للوقود
قوة قوية
سهل تجميعه

مناسب للاستخدام مع الماء النظيف والسوائل غير الكيميائية
عدوانية تجاه المواد التي تصنع منها المضخة.
يوصى باستخدام مضخات محرك الديزل في إمدادات المياه ،
مجموعات التنظيف ، وزيادة الضغط ، ومجموعات مكافحة الحرائق ، والري ، والصناعية
التطبيقات ، دوران المياه في مجموعات المناخ ، الزراعية.

حدود الاستخدام
درجة حرارة السائل بين -10 و + 120 ℃
تصل درجة الحرارة المحيطة إلى +50 درجة مئوية
الأعلى. ضغط العمل 16 بار
الخدمة المستمرة S1

※More Environmentally Friendly
※Meeting China III Emission Standard
※Low Fuel Consumption
※Strong Power
※Easy To Assemble
Suitable for use with clean water and liquids that are not chemically
aggressive towards the materials from which the pump is made.
The diesel engine pumps are recommended for use in water supply,
cleaning sets, pressure boosting, firefighting sets, irrigation, industrial
applications, water circulation in climatisation sets, agricultural.
Liquid temperature between -10℃ and +120℃
Ambient temperature up to +50℃
Max. working pressure 16 bar
Continuous service S1

Purity Pump Co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer and supplier of high-quality

industrial pumps, exporting to global market in competitive prices. We provide various
reliable pumps for projects.Our main products are centrifugal pumps, fire pumps and

system, industrial pumps and agricultural pumps.

Our products and services have been deployed in more than 55 countries. And we
supply water pumps for many large projects like National Olympic Stadium. We also

supply centrifugal and fire pumps to some well-known pump companies all over the


※More Environmentally Friendly
※Meeting China III Emission Standard
※Low Fuel Consumption
※Strong Power
※Easy To Assemble
Suitable for use with clean water and liquids that are not chemically
aggressive towards the materials from which the pump is made.
The diesel engine pumps are recommended for use in water supply,
cleaning sets, pressure boosting, firefighting sets, irrigation, industrial
applications, water circulation in climatisation sets, agricultural.
Liquid temperature between -10℃ and +120℃
Ambient temperature up to +50℃
Max. working pressure 16 bar
Continuous service S1

Purity Pump Co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer and supplier of high-quality

industrial pumps, exporting to global market in competitive prices. We provide various
reliable pumps for projects.Our main products are centrifugal pumps, fire pumps and

system, industrial pumps and agricultural pumps.

Our products and services have been deployed in more than 55 countries. And we
supply water pumps for many large projects like National Olympic Stadium. We also

supply centrifugal and fire pumps to some well-known pump companies all over the
